Inclusion. Young people, despite conforming to a demographic majority, are underrepresented in decision-making processes. Youth voices are suppressed and are often undervalued. As such, youth and children require more opportunities and spaces to voice their demands and display their ideas regarding solar climate intervention. Public consultations must allow for meaningful and plentiful youth participation. Governments, non-state actors, and other organizations must facilitate spaces to listen and work together with young leaders and young representatives.
Participation. Better access to information regarding spaces for youth involvement is required to increase youth participation in solar climate intervention dialogues. Participation of youth needs to move beyond the NGO level and begin also within governments, non-state actors, and other organizations. Meanwhile, international cooperation is not only the job of governments - academic and research communities must also work together to ensure youth participation in solar climate intervention matters across borders.
Governance structures. We must ensure there are the necessary fora in place, in order to enhance international cooperation on solar climate intervention. Such fora must spearhead the inclusion and participation of youth and other marginalized groups, and adopt ultimate transparency when representing the public.